Are you a student or a graduate of the Medical University in Lublin?

Would you like to join the academic community, develop qualifications and competences, receive psychological and educational support? Do you value high quality in your work and openness to other people’s needs? If the answer is „yes!”, this is an opportunity for you to co-create and fulfill the mission of the program through your active participation and sharing your knowledge and insights. Sign up now to “Open to. Graduate Awareness Program”, get a free member card and enjoy the opportunities offered by the University.

How to join the Program?


Submit the completed documents to the Career Office or send a scan to the following e-mail address:

Centrum Edukacji Medycznej
Biuro Karier
Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Al. Racławickie 1, 20-059 Lublin. pok.13
tel. 081 448 50 75